In the time i stay in the university, i use a website called "Ley Chile", this website created by the congreso nacional recopilate all the existing laws. It is useful for the courses wich are studiying laws.
Between the features of the website are a searcher for the laws its useful. Also have the (useless in my opinion) option of choose between the original version of the law and the other versions wich aren´t in use. It have the option of compare two versions of the law.
I use this website sometimes. Depends of the courses i have in the semester. This semester i enter to thw website sometimes, for a search a law we are using in class and download it.
I like the website because is a official site and when a law is modificated or repealed in the site show the day and the new law.
This is the link of the website if you like to visit it:
Monday, 29 June 2020
Post 6 > Carrer-related website
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Post 5 > A photograph i like
This a photo taken when my brother realize the confirmation,
this photo was taken by my father, in November of the last year.
I like the picture because when me and my brother are beggining a new school year, the first day my parents were taking photos before we left to the school and this photo is like that.
I like it too much this photo and I used in my whatsapp
profile. I try to help my brother when he needs help to do something, i think
everyone needs some help sometimes. This day my brother do the confirmation and
i become in his godfather.
Independent if my brother chose the catholicism, i know i
will try to support him when he needs help I think me and my brother are very
close and this photo shows this brotherhood.
Post 4, What are you really into?
In this quarantine i changed my hobbies. Some with the pass of the time did starts to boring me and i had to do other things. Before the qua...
My favourite tecnology is the smartphone, I had my first smartphone 4 years ago, I wanted to get it because the school beginned use the t...
Hello, in this first post I will focus in introduce myself to everyone. I was born on january 22, 2001 in Santiago, Chile. All my school...